Hands on free-range field day at UNE
The University of New England is delighted to welcome free-range egg producers and other professionals on April 6th 2017 for a UNE field day on free-range egg production. The full-day workshop will not only communicate the latest results of free-range research, but also allow attendees to participate in hands-on activities such as egg quality evaluation, parasitology and necropsy.
Get insights from experts…

Experts in the field, including Professor Julie Roberts, Professor Steve Walkden-Brown, Dr Peter Hunt, Dr Steve Love, Dr Carolyn de Koning and Dr Isabelle Ruhnke, will combine know how from the University of New England, CSIRO, DPI NSW, and SARDI for the benefit of attendees. Furthermore, Joanna Blunden (DPI NSW) and Phil Chaseling (AECL) will provide insights into their extension work with free-range producers, with detailed explanations on how to tackle frequently occurring challenges, as well as providing further tips for successful egg production. To enrol, please download and send a registration form with your contact details to Isabelle Ruhnke at her email address on the form.