We have had an overwhelming response to this year’s photo competition, with 57 entries received (and that’s with school entries counted as one)! These came from individuals from as far away as Bangladesh, and from many school classes and students across Australia. This presented us with over 700 images from which to choose the place-getters, with a great deal of effort being put in by staff of the Poultry CRC in finalising the following major prize-winners.
While many images focussed on chickens, we also received a large number of duck, turkey and quail images. Some of these images may used on our website and/or future publications; we thank all entrants for their enormous efforts and for helping us bolster our image resource library. We hope that this was a fun and worthwhile exercise for all entrants.
Major Prize-winners

In addition to the major prize-winners above, the following Highly Commended images rated well with the judges. There are many more fine examples among the entries that probably deserve mention, but alas, we cannot cover all of them here. The response to this competition, particularly among schools, may prompt us to run another photo competition in future. Stay tuned!
Highly Commended