Poultry CRC secures 7.5-year extension with $28M grant

Welcome to another edition of eChook.

I am delighted that the Poultry CRC has obtained a 7.5-year extension with the $28 million grant from the Australian Government! This grant, together with the cash and in-kind support from our participants, will give the Poultry CRC total resources of nearly $87 million over the next 7.5 years.

This is a once in a generation opportunity for poultry research in Australia. It will give us the time and resources to capitalise on the solid foundation the current CRC has laid for delivering frontier research, building human capacity and collaborating closely with end users.

The new Poultry CRC will have three Programs covering nine Projects. Each Project will require numerous Proposals to meet the Outputs and Milestones agreed to by the Australian Government.

It’s important to understand that the Poultry CRC is not a funding body. Shortly, we will call for Proposals from our Participants to harness the best ideas in a highly collaborative and resource-efficient manner. So please put your thinking hat on or wait for us to announce Preliminary Proposals towards the end of August.

Again, I would like to thank you for your contributions and support to the current CRC and during the re-bid process.



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